Women dream of having a happy and fulfilled family life. But sometimes reality can really hurt, and the fairy tale world ends with a snap of a finger. And very soon, you'll find yourself raising your kids alone without the help of your husband. Supporting a family with kids is tough, especially if you're a single mom. And the best way to be able to give your kids a decent life is to finish college, and land a good job.

Being a single mother can be very hard. You would have to do everything yourself; work hard, attend to your kids needs, and attend college classes. Oftentimes, you will have difficulty in handling your finances. And attending college requires a certain sum of money. Here is where a college scholarship will come in handy.

Different universities offer college scholarships for single moms; all you have to do is to find the right university which could help you in that aspect. The internet is also a good source of universities and institutions which offer such scholarships. Finding these universities/institutions requires a bit of your time, but it's quite worthy in the end.

Some single mothers will often think that it's the end of the world, but it is not so; though you may have many problems, getting your way through college is still very much important. At least, after you graduate, you can look for a high-paying job.

Almost any scholarship grant has pre-set standards. If you can pass these standards, you will eventually get money for college free. You don’t need to pay back because it's not considered as a debt. These grants are often paid for by the government and other private organizations. The money that you will receive can be used to pay for tuition fees and other university fees.

How will you start your search? Well, you can start by asking for information from your state department for college/higher education, local library, financial aid departments, and guidance counselors. You can also ask your employer (if you're presently employed) and some of your friends.

You can choose from many deals, and beware of scams for there are a great many who want to victimize you. Check all possible scholarship deals that you may encounter, know the qualifications required like transcripts, recommendation letters, essays, and other important papers which can prove your eligibility.

Applying for a college scholarship is just like applying for a job. So make yourself presentable, and get all your important papers in proper order. There are times when you may have second thoughts about going back to college, but your future lies in your bare hands. Talk with family and friends who can provide you with your needed support as you go through this stage; ask for advice and finally, arrive at a decision.

If you think, you can pull it through to college, with a family and work to manage, don’t waste your chance. College scholarships are free, so why not just do it.

Some of the college scholarships for single mothers are Women's Opportunity Award and the Raise the Nation Scholarship. Resources for college scholarships are not hard to find. Prepare for your kids' future and look for scholarship which can support your college needs. The job that you've wanted to have is just within your arms reach.

The clouds in the sky are as usual for all of us as the sun rising and the sun setting. We pay no attention to the beautiful dance of the clouds that can inspire us to live a pleasant life.


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The clouds in the sky are as usual for all of us as the sun rising and the sun setting. We pay no attention to the beautiful dance of the clouds that can inspire us to live a pleasant life. Have you ever thought of the clouds? From where do they come? Where do they go? What do they do in the sky? How can they bear the harsh sun directly?

As I said, where do the clouds come from? Think about it? It is as if they come from nowhere. And it is as if go to a place unknown to all of us. None of us thinks about them. But they stay peacefully in the sky moving slowly with the wind. Some clouds have beautiful shapes, some are in a cluster and sometimes we see a lone cloud in the sky. They all look so peaceful and serene. As if they are the masters of peace, showing no disturbance at all.

And look at the colors of the clouds. Most of them are white as if someone has spread pure white cotton in the sky. Soft and silky in texture, white in color - innocence personified. The birds do know something about the clouds, because they meet the clouds often. What must they all be talking with each other? All mysteries of the world that we refuse to admire.

And what is the chief objective of the clouds? Either to bring rain to the parched earth or give shade to the needy. That is the lesson we can get inspiration from. Innocent and pure clouds expect nothing, but give what all they can. What a meaningful lesson.

If some of us learn this lesson of remaining pure and unselfish in thought, with no anger towards anyone and compassion towards all irrespective of any differences, our living would become so much better. Good deeds are not meant only for the saints, but all of us can act in our own way to give more and expect less in return and create a peaceful life for ourselves.

Strangely enough, some hit records of past decades have been bass guitar solos. The sound of the bass guitar has just as much potential as the acoustic and electric guitars to inflame the hearts of audiences.

bass guitar solos

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In 1965 British rock group, The Who released a song called My Generation. Apart from its claim to fame as a rock anthem it also contains the most instantly recognizable bass guitar solo in rock and roll. This iconic solo by John Entwistle is typical of the bass solo modeled on similar solo breaks played on double bass and bass guitar in jazz music. This type of bass guitar solo is in the form of a question and answer sequence often found in blues music. The Who's solo also imitates jazz bass solos in that it is played without other instruments behind it. In jazz such solos are played unaccompanied because other instruments tend to drown out the bass.

There have been many bass solos included in rock, funk and jazz but only in pop music has the bass guitar solo stood alone as a piece of music. The first pop musician in England to own and play an electric bass guitar was Jet Harris. He found fame and fortune with The Shadows, Cliff Richard's backing group who were trying to make their own way in pop music as a vocal and instrumental group. Harris played on the band's early instrumental hits featuring the lead guitar of Hank Marvin but decided to try to make it as a soloist like America's Duane Eddy.

Jet Harris' first big hit as a solo guitarist was in 1962 with his rendition of the 1940 song Besame Mucho. The throbbing notes of the six string bass turned a poignant love song into an instrumental work full of menace. Probably inspired by their former band member's success, The Shadows released another six string bass solo called Stingray as a single in 1965.

Meanwhile in America in 1963 a young composer and arranger named Jack Nitzsche made a lush orchestral single called The Lonely Surfer. The orchestra was merely the backdrop for a simple melody played on the bass guitar. The Lonely Surfer never climbed higher than number thirty-nine on the charts, but that is pretty good for a bass guitar solo!

These days the bass guitar is an important part of any band. It was actually born in the nineteen thirties but met with very little success until it was adopted by the early rock and roll groups of the nineteen fifties. The bass guitar is of course descended from the double bass which has always been a solo instrument in orchestral music and was often used for solo work in jazz.

If you want to play bass guitar, you might want to consider learning to play a regular guitar first. It is not absolutely necessary to become a lead or rhythm guitarist before playing bass but it seems to be the way that bass guitar players come into the world. To begin your career as a bass guitarist you can try playing through the bass tabs available on the internet. There are also some lessons available for free plus you can view heaps of bass solos and bass guitar lessons on the various video sites.

Once you have some practice on the bass guitar under your belt there is blinding variety of bass guitar techniques to try before you begin seriously to play solos. You can employ a wide range of plectrums or choose from the many techniques which involve plucking, popping and slapping the bass with the fingers. To some people this might sound like hard work but hopefully you will regard it as a labor of love.

If you want to be more confident in any area of your life, the language you use is vital. Discover some language patterns that will boost your confidence.

confidence, self confidence, jason johns, self confident, more confidence, confidence course, boosting self confidence

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The language we use programs our brains. Mastering our language gives us a great degree of mastery over our lives and our destinies. It is important to use language in the best way possible in order to dramatically improve your quality of life.

Even the smallest of words can have the deepest effect on our sub-conscious mind. It is like a child, it doesn’t really understand the difference between what really happens and what you imagine. It is eager to please and willing to carry out any commands that you give it – whether you do this knowingly or not is entirely up to you.


It is a small word yet it has an amazing impact upon us. If someone says, “I’ll try to do that” you know that they are not going to be putting their whole heart in to it, and may not even do it at all. How often do you use the word try when talking about the things that matter to you? Do you say “I’ll try to be more confident” or “I’ll try to do that” or “I’ll try to call”?

Think about something that you would like to achieve, and say it to yourself in two different ways. Firstly say, “I’ll try to …” and notice how you feel. Next say “I will do …” and see how you feel.

The latter made you feel better than the first one didn’t it? It gives you a sense of determination; a feeling that it will be done. Listen to the people around you and when they say they will try notice if it gets done or not. Eliminate the word try from your dictionary and see how your life improves.


This is another small word with big impact. It dis-empowers us, makes us feel week and helpless, and damages our self-esteem. It limits our infinite abilities and stifles creativity. Rub it out from your internal dictionary and replace it with something that makes you feel great.

Instead of saying you can’t, why not say something like “I choose …” or “I choose not to …”. Using words like this allows you to take back your power and to be in control of your life.

Words may appear small and insignificant, yet they can have a deep and lasting effect on us. Mastering your language gives you the power to live whatever life you desire.

What words do you use a lot that dis-empower you? Make a list of words you commonly use and then write next to them some alternatives you can use. Make these alternatives words that make you feel fabulous, not only about yourself, but about life and what you are doing!

If you're planning a Christmas party for a group of elementary-age children, there are a myriad of really fun games you can include. Be sure to have lots of prizes and take lots of pictures because some of the games can be silly!

To get the kids moving around, start with the "fill the stocking" game. In this game, create teams so there are at least 3 people and no more than perhaps 6 people on each team. Have a stocking for each team. Place the stockings on the wall and have also a bowl of candy and spoons. The first person on each team will put the spoon in their mouth (backwards, so the bowl of the spoon is sticking out) and get some candy out of the bowl. Still holding their spoon in their mouth, they must walk or run to the stocking on the wall and get the candy in the stocking. They run back to the line and the next child has a turn (each child should have his or her on spoon). The game continues until the candy bowl is empty.

The obvious prize for the stocking game is a big bowl of candy!

Another active game is an "unwrap the game" relay. Provide two piles presents at one end of the room (these can be presents with real teats inside, or "dummy" wrapped presents). The children are divided into two teams and a relay is created. One person runs to the stack of gifts, unwraps it, throws away the paper and runs back. Then the next child in line runs up, unwraps a gift, throws away the paper and runs back. If the paper lands outside the trash can, the child must run back and put it back in the trashcan before returning to the line and allowing another person to take a turn.

If these to games are played first the kids might want a little rest. Now's the time to play a sit-down Christmas party game, like "remember this". Get a large cookie sheet or baking tray and fill it with Christmas-themed items. You might include an ornament, a candy cane, a Santa hat, garland, ribbon, etc. There should be at least 20 items on the tray. Give each child about 20 seconds to look at the items, then cover the tray and remove it from sight. Give the children another 20-30 seconds to remember everything they saw on the tray. Have them quickly write don their guesses. The prize is for whoever remembers the most items!

Another good sit down game and one that's also a learning game is a word find game. Provide children with a list of Christmas words and have them find other words within those words. For example, if one word is "reindeer" they might find in, deer, red, den, and so on. Longer words are best, so think of words like Christmas, snowballs, poinsettia, holly berry and the like).

Children love games that involve sitting in a circle and having fun that way. Here's a "circle" game children are sure to love. This tests their ability to remember little details about other people, like their voice. Have handy a sleigh, either one cut out of cardboard or a small one purchased a gift or dollar store. Blindfold one child and have another child hold the sleigh. The child with the sleigh calls out to the blindfolded child something like this:

Santa, where's your sleigh?
Someone's come and taken it away.
Who has it? Who?

The blindfolded child has to guess who has the sleigh. Give the child 3 chances to get it right before giving the sleigh and blindfold to other children.

For another sit down game, give each child a piece of paper and a pencil. Tell them to close their eyes and then tell them what to draw. Give them the shapes, but don't tell them exactly what they are trying to draw (though most children will figure it out). So, first tell them to draw three circles, with the largest being on the bottom and the smallest on the top. Then tell them to draw dots for eyes, and buttons for a coat. Keep going until you have described a snowman. Then have the children open their eyes to see what they have actually drawn. Award a prize for the drawing that most closely resembles a snowman.

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